Special Sections

Books in Spanish
We are proud to offer reviews of picture books in Spanish and bilingual picture books written by teachers who specialize in teaching books in Spanish and bilingual books.These reviews are special because they describe the qualities in each book that enhance language development in readers. The teacher-reviewers are enrolled in the Policy and Language Studies (PLC) course PLC915 ELD/SDAIE and other PLC courses at SDSU. This is a joint project of Linda Salem, education librarian, Cristina Alfaro, professor in the College of Education, and Alida Allison, professor in the Children's Literature Program at SDSU.

Reviews by Elementary School Students 
Featuring reviews of Horton Halfpott; Seaglass Summer; Bad Kitty Gets a Bath; BabyMouse: Mad Scientist; and BabyMouse Burns Rubber

Reviews by High School Students
Howse, Emily: Zitface
Steinmetz, Karen: The Mourning Wars

Jewish Stories:
Meltzer, Amy: The Shabbat Princess
Spielman, Gloria: Marcel Marceau, Master of Mime
Strom, Yale: The Wedding That Saved a Town

Princesses in Pink
Featuring reviews of Pinkalicious and Princess Hyacinth.

HarperTeen Re-brands the Classics
Featuring Jane Eyre, Pride & Prejudice, Romeo & Juliet, Sense & Sensibility, Wuthering Heights, and...New Moon.