Friday, March 29, 2013


Puttock, Simon. Little Lost Cowboy. Illus. Caroline Jayne Church. New York: Egmont, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-60684-259-1, $16.99. 

Poor Cowboy Coyote—he's had a very rough day and night. No matter how hard he tries and where he goes, he can't find his mother. He "EEKS!" and "SPLASHES!" and tumbles about—all with no luck. Fortunately, he eventually meets a kindly toad who gives him the best advice ever: "Sit tight and wait, and howl your VERY LOUDEST, [and] I'm sure you will be found." And so, Cowboy Coyote cries: "AROO! I'm lost and I'm lonesome" and lists off the mishaps of the day. This time, though, Cowboy Coyote doesn't go anywhere and waits for his mom to arrive.

Little Lost Cowboy has beautiful illustrations and they make the cumulative structure of the story truly enjoyable. A favorite scene is Cowboy Coyote pulling his bedraggled hat and self out of a cold stream. Poor Cowboy Coyote!

As cute as Cowboy Coyote is, the message of Little Lost Cowboy is that ever so important: "Stay put when you're lost and yell until someone finds you." This is an excellent teaching tool—and an enjoyable read!

Reviewed by Stephanie Ashley

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